segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2024

They Cannot Send A Pupil Back To Jail

She had a warm heart and a beautiful brain, which she shared with Cindy. Unfortunately, in this world we're on our own, so either we decide to search or we are going to wait forever. If even when we go to a temple, what we find there is a "church", that means there is no easy Way Out. That is, some there might even have taken the Medicine one day, but they just didn't continue with Her, choosing to go back to the system looking for a "future", for "all" they should have forsaken.

If you've found somebody who doesn't make it easy, you've found a soul who refuses to lie to you and knows true Love.

A More Serious And Challenging Project

It's called "Saving Cindy Mancini".

Of Course, I am casting Maria in it as the lead character.

Casa Do Bla Bla Bla

Eu descobri um segredo escondido na frase da serva do favelão. Quando ela se gaba do sucesso de sua "missão", dizendo que "vai todo mundo quanto vem pra igreja", não necessariamente isso significa que todos que vão ao templo e aceitam ir à casa dela estão indo junto da mesma morar com ele eternamente, porque eu, por exemplo, fiquei sem nada. Eu fui ao templo e à casa dela. No entanto, de fato, todo mundo que vai à "igreja", isto é, vai em busca de outras "coisas" que não seja a Justiça e a comunhão dos justos, está seguindo rumo ao mesmo destino dos ímpios sem que ela sequer precise fazer sua oferta do pecado.

Não teve nada para dizer? Deve ser porque você não vai lá, nem a outro lugar algum, em busca de ouvir a Palavra, hein? Como pessoas que buscam se salvar por meio de "religião" vivem mergulhadas em "medo", quando há evidência de que um dos que estão indo junto dela é um "padre", elas ficam ainda mais receosas e sem reação. Meus "amigos", não há o que "temer", vocês já estão excomungados pelo próprio Deus, debaixo de ira e precisando desesperadamente de Salvação.

Depois que ela usou Maria, a original, para dar credibilidade a uma mentira, e no ano seguinte declarou que a condição para frequentar sua casa "seriamente" seria aceitar voltar a ser pobre e morar no favelão, vendo que eu parecia não levar jeito para isso e estava já muito longe de lá, ela foi se retirando dizendo que iria "rezar" para que Deus colocasse uma menina no meu caminho. Será que naquela época ela já acrescentava o nome da filha nas intenções da missa, e o meu também? Ué, porque parece que funcionou mesmo, hein.

Apareceram não uma, mas duas. Uma me largou por um José não judeu, mas de acordo com a forma com que a filha dela dispõe suas curtidas em seu perfil no Facebook, com a outra há grande chance de que a parceria possa funcionar.

É isso aí, quem mais quer arriscar "brincar" com Deus para ver o que acontece?

Fine Wines, Not Swine

Don't confuse us with fools.

This boy is mine for a girl that is mine.

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2024


Secrets have a Way of coming back to haunt you on the other Side.

I picked the daughter up, however for her to effectively be in Law she needed to be a humble perfectionist, desire One and no "thing" more. Then, after forsaking the "dream", awakening and tasting the Dream, she'd be ready to be Autoconfident. Because that's the only Way for a "woman" to become real, return to Innocence and be a warrior.

Domestic Battery

The "rock" could not contain me. Some of those in the large cells tried to jail me for life there with them for the crime of trying to moon potential monkeys. After knocking me down, they wanted to convince me to accept that "life", that it could be "great" if only I had "hope", gave it a chance and pursued the same as them. But I said, "No, fuck you, wannabes! Go shake your asses so you can find even larger cells for yourselves there". Since I still had all Time available to think about an escape plan and I was already a professional in the art of breaking Out, always interested in deepening my experience in the Cellus, they failed to keep me under control.

Large doses of Salt, please. This house is a fortress; it's been 7,777 batteries and counting. Because, you know, I don't invite Thompson to come in, nonetheless he's always trying to break in on my conversation, bringing the "rock" and the "roll" with him.

By the way, my number 2 Microsoft girl seems to love San Francisco. Why? I don't know, only that Time was slipping away from her as she postponed going, like Leo has gone one day.

You don't know what you gotta do?

Come On, Cathy

Let's take It back to our Place.

SO Confident

What did I tell my number 1 Microsoft girl?

That she can feel great, if she wants Her too.

Not In One

Have I seen any "challenger" expressing he was looking forward to play somewhere and using a devil emoji? LOL. I guess it's not only the listening fans who go to those places thinking about "sex", the players too. It was clear to me I was not fighting for a wholehearted angel and the kind of devil that keeps the same Division I keep. Every time she used her favorite song, I knew she could only be thinking about "life", and if she was thinking about any boy, it certainly wasn't me. You see? It's not the same Balance I seek. So why keep fighting for someone who prioritized her "self" and was unempathetic? Because there was a sign. Since I'm a very Willful boy, I knew that, meanwhile, that was the trail to be on to get Her and keep charging my mind.

If the "loser" who had no "thing" to give had dumped her like the world does, would it hurt? When the other is drunk in "love" and it hurts, why do people still don't change? Because they are hit in the ego. The Way it happened, her asleep self was shaken and even without searching for Truth she could feel that when she was despising me she was despising herself. I'm not sure if it was enough for her to awake though. I knew what was going on from the start, and it was no Life. So no Good could come out of this, and before I could win the race in the unholy course I was never on, to be with a person who would have no Thing to give, the Teacher would level with me and tell me She had decided to use Her secrets.

I think she was unable to keep hiding the secret secondary "party" in her balance in a point where she was about to come ask me to join her in the "dream". So, as soon as I got alerted, I started performing the search in the system and found the evidences of the foolish game, and you know that "lovers" can't play following the Monkey rule. Without access to my emails one is unable to know what those posts of hers mean, and without reading my posts it's hard to suspect what that tracklist means. To be sure you'd still need a little of psychological knowledge. So what direction was she going: reverse or forward? She was probably anxious to play at Ultra Miami too, but was only more careful to hide her "personal" search on the "social" network.

This guy knows how the system and its mechanics "work", so that expression with that emoji made him question, "What crush is the fan thinking about?". Even if I had seen it earlier, I'd have stayed in deep Calm, because I knew if I were dealing with a real woman, his "hope" would be vain and bound, limited, tied to him "self" only, that is, he would be totally unable to change her Course. But he knew he had all "reason" to believe that his vanity could be materialized. Because the "game" was not over and she was hesitant to play the Game, she was still choosing to play it "safe" and be a "normal" person, an empty and deceived citizen of the no Good ship, while probably listening to "friends" advising her to stay away from me, because I was crazy.

Who cares if she's not swedish? All I wanted to know was if she was willing to leave behind the fallen earth to be in One, learn another Language and become someone you can trust. She seemed to be content with her "job" and not so uncomfortable with what she saw within her, in "society" and in nature. In one interview she talked about her being a perfectionist with a clear vision of what she wanted, and in another about pride and self-confidence to go ahead. You see? That's division. You can't return to the Water with a heart and a speech like that. Even if she were the most talented musician ever, what would that mean? So I kept waiting for the "business" woman to want the Same as I, what did not happen, and the meeting on the other Side was cancelled.

It's so sad when you see people who were supposed to talk about moving on from that nonsense vain way and seeking Truth to experience Life, "encouraging" others to go on, to believe there's something "better" to be found ahead. And when you're still a fool who has never known the Difference to be able to compare one "thing" with the Other, you must even think the enemy is a friend wishing for you to be really happy. That's why it has been said that those people you meet at temples are a part of the system. In most cases, they indeed are. You rarely happen to find a crazy person sharing crazy things there, or anyone else interested in them and looking to have an odd conversation. They are as busy as the rest of the world, secretly indulging the same "faith" which believes the matter they see to be more "real" than the Word who created it.

Welcome to the jungle low.

Even when in "church", you're all alone there.

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2024

sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2024

Deus De Dentro?

Por que ela veio reclamar comigo que o "homem" estava sentando perto dela, perguntando-me se ele não sabia que ela estava vivendo a "castidade"? Seria porque outro "homem" já havia informado-o sobre não somente a má reputação dela quanto o caráter? Porque o outro "homem" já havia me dado a dica de que sabia de algo obscuro sobre ela e não quis me contar o que era. Eu imagino que este último, ao contar a seu "amigo" o segredo, também tenha dito, "O Leo não pode saber disso, porque você sabe como ele é, ele vai fazer um escândalo". Porque você sabe como os tolos são, eles acham que quem faz o escândalo é quem denuncia e não quem pratica o mal.

Quem sabia e escolhia acobertá-la precisa saber que é o mesmo tipo de "missionário" que ela é, servindo ao mesmo príncipe e seguindo o mesmo curso rumo ao mesmo destino. E quem ficou sabendo porque eu investiguei e trouxe à tona os fatos? Se tal continuou frequentando o ambiente como se nada tivesse acontecido, não exigindo que nenhuma atitude fosse tomada, isso é evidência de que a pessoa não exige arrependimento nem de si mesma e, portanto, a Salvação nunca aconteceu na vida dela. Porque quem é Igreja sabe que igreja não é clube "social", sendo capaz de compreender a posição do apóstolo ao trilhar o Caminho e buscar a Verdade no mesmo Espírito.

Cuidado com a falsa misericórdia dos indivíduos "religiosos", porque não existe um pingo de amor pelo próximo nela, é puro egoísmo disfarçado de caridade, o sujeito consentindo nas más obras do outro por estar no mesmo caminho e nele desejar permanecer. Então a pessoa não julga porque tem "medo", e interpreta erroneamente que Deus não irá julgá-la se ela omitir-se, continuar não tendo nada para falar e fazer. Se a pessoa não ama a Verdade, é lógico que seu amor pelo próximo é falso; aos que racicionam teologicamente e não conforme o mundo, a Lei é muito fácil de compreender.

Esse "Deus" que há no mundo é alguém que existe na má imaginação do indivíduo, que ele contenta-se que exista fora dele e que a função é atender a seus pedidos, satisfazer o "desejo" que há nele.

"Filhinhos, guardai-vos dos ídolos. Amém!"

Conquer & Keep

Vá na onda das velhas desocupadas e com muito tempo livre para irem à "igreja" para você ver o abacaxi que você comprará delas para descascar com a "ferramenta" em que elas acreditam. Templos também são campos de batalha; se é lá que você se permite relaxar, é lá mesmo que o inimigo plantará falsos irmãos e pastores que irão refazer a obra dele na sua vida.

"Nice" And Easy

Esses indivíduos são tão facilmente movidos pelas "coisas" que desejam, que bastava serem chamados e estavam todos lá na mansão maliciosa no favelão, perdendo um pouco mais dos seus tempos como "privilegiados" que são com o "privilegiado" rei. Foi preciso que o Riggs e o Murtaugh batessem lá prendendo o anfitrião e acabando com a "festa" para que aqueles não muito avançados no caminho espaçoso que conduz à perdição conhecessem no que consiste o estilo de "vida" dos "ricos" e "famosos", os quais não têm vergonha da própria burrice nem da de outros, contanto que tenham aquilo que eles desejam.

Mother Agent

Ando parado, tocando o 4 pela Estrada Infinita, porque mais vale ser firme lá em Cima do que rápido no curso errado que não pode mudar minha situação. Todo dia que eu vou, vejo alguém que foi embora; nem todo mundo teme, e eu não consigo achar normal e seguro "viver" e morrer assim. Eu gosto de estar no nosso Lugar, junto das vaquinhas que trazem de longe o Sorvete, do burro bão que deixou "tudo" pelo meu SER TÃO e das galinhas de filme de terror que correram das ruas sujas e escuras para junto da Pereira e das Águas que saciam a fome e a sede dos justos.

Zoe Girl

Sweet zoe of Mine.

Why Green?

Despite the fact that I'm always searching for Truth, sometimes it takes me long to realize the obvious. Like, why did the guy use a green apple emoji on the story where he told he was arriving to the "party"? I think she got scared to continue with him; she should've gotten scared to meet him in the first place, because where can an individual who finds it "exciting" to have what is forbidden lead you to? And you know what? I'm not that upset; I can't compete for "women". Thank God, I wouldn't even know where to start. Because I have already been down there, and I left for Good.

Isn't it funny that I listened to that song at the "Stitch Store"?

The Rain will always go on here; I don't allow myself to forsake Her.

Raise The Bar

Let's level up with the ancients and have an absolutely divine conversation, building with Something that lasts, that shall not be taken away from us.

Seeking The Deep

What is that place where there are tables and you see effusive demonstrations of "joy"? Bar. It's an extension of the kitchen, that is, if the individual does not train to have a real friendly conversation at home, he won't have it out there. I have experience with kitchens even at "church", so I know well how careful one must be when dealing with people who work not for Food for their minds. They're never going to be hiding any Thing for you, they're going to be hiding from you instead, wicked things.

quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2024

And The Girl Situation?

It's OK, it's the Moment we've all been waiting for.

It looks like the whole world of monkeys turning rich.

Saved By The Silver

I am a formidiable, a Mindful outsider always remembering the Rock that formed me. Because I am one who applies myself to serious matters all the Time so that I may please the Boss and lose not the Job of my dreams.

I spread Division, Separation.

Exceeded His "Expectations"?

Confia, a menina veneno é tua "amiga".

A televisão quebrada é evidência de bad trip... se jogou do 1408 para tentar se livrar do tormento. Pensamento suicida induzido pela "solução" fácil.


Although ladies are very dear to this missionary since it's one of them who's started All this, he's always busy and sends direct messages to really few he's sympathetic to, relying on other people telling them about his words. So, if you got one, consider yourself privileged. He was owing one only to Indy babe, which, you must know, he's enlightened and inspired to type for and help with most endearment.

Alright, I was thinking, "Who could Olivia be?", and I remembered, "Hey, it's her mother's name". So I did a research and things got crazier when I read that, "No way! She is an hermana...".

If you don't know, Búzios is a land of argentinians.

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2024


There's no way I'm going to go down that road of people who do not follow Life and have nothing to say again. What?! I don't think all that shit is normal, all that vanity; it's "normal" until people realize they're seconds away from watching their bodies fail completely, and then they start wondering if after the machine is turned off there'll be a continuation, if it'll ever be turned on again so they can resume their selfish way of "living". Do you have that "courage" to let "hope" never go and live like a fool until the end? I don't. And I don't admire you or any other dumb lost individual you have as an "example". I deeply admire the One you are ashamed of, because, you know, I'm a true rebel, I find it really cool to say and do the opposite of what I see in your pathetic world. You know I hear and see things because of this behavior, and the more I see them, the bolder I get.

La Dolce Vita Mina

Nunca confundi porca com mulher.

Tá frouxa? Deixa que eu te aperto.

terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2024

Keep Crushing

That's a real wild Way to fly. Just be a lady that seeks, keeps and expresses the good Word, and Nighthawk will definitely want to meet and offer you a ride.

Get In, Sis

I'll take you Out there.


Next time, I promise to keep it secret, so you don't become jealous.

Not really; that's the previous time, the waste of time I've already left behind.

Come With Us

Let's wish good luck to all of them who write vain and lying words to please their ego and have fools helping them do the "job". Because all the applause must mean they are doing something relevant, right? No, I don't think so; being ashamed of His name is a terrible bad sign that they believe in falsehood. It's best we stay away from self-righteous people, who may even say they want to "change" the world.

Ah oui, vous êtes saints

Donnez-moi un bébé singe

Hopeless "Romantic"

People want another person as empty as them "selves" to be the Love they lack. That's why they never know no Feeling and remain imprisoned in idolatry, unable to give up the "dream". And if with their "love" and talent they are able to gain the whole world, they still can't find a personal experience that soon they are not going to forsake looking for a "better" one.

Guess what? La danse tue l'Amour.

Every "thing" sucks.

Start Searching (What It Takes)

Double - The Captain Of Her Heart (U.S.Version) 4K

It's true what I say, but it'll never be enough to tell you unless you see Her for yourself.